sreda, 22. junij 2011

Zadnji pomladanski dan

Včeraj se je moj dragi odločil, da je čas za ponoven izlet na Bled. Seveda sem bila za, poleg tega sem bila navdušena, da bom šla lahko spet pokukat v eno mojih najljubših trgovin- Sonček. Poznate? Ogromna trgovina z "vintage" izdelki za dom in otroke. Tam najdeš vse... starinsko stojalo za milo, nabiralnik, 100 različnih vaz in steklenic in še še. Res majo tako super stvari, da nikoli nič ne kupim, saj se ne morem odločit kaj bi imela. Poznate to? V glavnem, sprehod okrog jezera in trgovina je bila zaprta- tko da imam izgovor, da gremo v naslednjih dneh spet na Bled. 

Za to priložnost sem oblekla jumpsuit, ki sem ga naredila sama, saj je res udoben in primeren za hladnejše poletne dni. Ta jumpsuit sem imela oblečen tudi na vintage sredi v Sisju.

Lepo se imejte in sporočite mi, kater izdelek vam je najljubši v trgovini Sonček ter mi tako pomagajte izbrati izdelek.

Yesterday, my dear decided it was time to trip to the lake Bled. Of course I was impressed that I went back to peek into one of my favorite stores, Sunny. Do you know? Huge store with a "vintage" products for the home and children. Here you find all the ... antique stand on soap box, 100 different vases and bottles and more. They have really great things but I never buy nothing because I can not decide what to have. Do you know this? In the main, walk around the lake and the shop has been closed, so that 'I have an excuse to go again in the next few days in Bled. 
For this occasion, I wore a jumpsuit that I have done alone, it is really comfortable and suitable for the cooler summer days. This jumpsuit I was wearing at the middle of the Sisju vintage.Have a nice time!
Obvezna slikca otoka s cerkvico.

Z mojo hčerkico. Jutri bo že stara 11 mesecev.

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