Again I got the inspiration to sew. I wanted to make a light summer tunic, but unfortunately I did not get the goods that would have colorful thrust, so I opted for black and white pattern. I am confident that I will do before the summer begin long colorful tunic / dress.
nedelja, 27. marec 2011
Tunic made by me
Spet sem dobila navdih za šivat. Želela sem si narediti lahkotno poletno tuniko, žal pa nisem dobila blaga, ki bi imel pisan barvast potisk, zato sem se odločila za črno beli vzorec. Prepričana sem , da si bom pred poletjem naredila barvito in daljšo tuniko/obleko.
Again I got the inspiration to sew. I wanted to make a light summer tunic, but unfortunately I did not get the goods that would have colorful thrust, so I opted for black and white pattern. I am confident that I will do before the summer begin long colorful tunic / dress.
Again I got the inspiration to sew. I wanted to make a light summer tunic, but unfortunately I did not get the goods that would have colorful thrust, so I opted for black and white pattern. I am confident that I will do before the summer begin long colorful tunic / dress.
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